Service Archive 2019-20
Here you can find an archive of service leaflets, either directly on the site or downloadable in PDF format if preferred, and links to live recordings of services and text of sermons where they exist.
You can access any of the resources from previous services by clicking on the relevant links.
Kingdom Season 2020 22nd November 2020: Christ the King Leaflet | Audio | Sermon 15th November 2020: Second Sunday before Advent Leaflet | Audio | Sermon 11th November 2020: Remembrance Day Video 8th November 2020: Remembrance Sunday Leaflet | Audio | Sermon 1st November 2020: All Saints & Souls Leaflet | Video Ordinary Time 2020 25th October 2020: Last Sunday after Trinity Leaflet | Video 18th October 2020: St Luke Leaflet | Video 11th October 2020: Trinity 18 Leaflet | Video 4th October 2020: Trinity 17 Leaflet | Video 27th September 2020: Trinity 16 Leaflet | Video | Sermon 20th September 2020: Trinity 15 Leaflet | Video | Sermon 13th September 2020: Trinity 14 Leaflet | Video | Sermon 6th September 2020: Trinity 13 Leaflet | Video 30th August 2020: Trinity 12 Leaflet | Video | Sermon 23rd August 2020: Trinity 11 Leaflet | Video | Sermon 16th August 2020: Trinity 10 Leaflet | Benediction | Intercessory Prayers | Video 9th August 2020: Trinity 9 Leaflet | Video | Sermon 2nd August 2020: Trinity 8 Leaflet | Video | Sermon 26th July 2020: St James Leaflet | Video | Sermon 19th July 2020: Trinity 6 Leaflet | Audio | Sermon 12th July 2020: Trinity 5 Leaflet | Audio | Gospel & Sermon Audio File | Sermon 5th July 2020: Trinity 4 Leaflet | Audio | Readings & Prayers | Sermon 28th June 2020: Trinity 3 Leaflet | Audio 21st June 2020: Trinity 2 Leaflet | Audio | Sermon 14th June 2020: Trinity 1 Leaflet | Audio | Sermon 11th June 2020: Corpus Christi Leaflet | Audio 7th June 2020: Trinity Sunday Leaflet | Audio | Sermon Easter to Pentecost 2020 31st May 2020: Pentecost Leaflet | Audio 24th May 2020: Easter 7 Leaflet | Audio | Sermon 21st May 2020: Ascension Day Leaflet | Audio 17th May 2020: Easter 6 Leaflet | Audio | Sermon 10th May 2020: Easter 5 Leaflet | Audio 3rd May 2020: Easter 4 Leaflet | Audio 26th April 2020: Easter 3 Leaflet | Audio | Sermon 19th April 2020: Easter 2 Leaflet | Audio 12th April 2020: Easter Sunday Leaflet | Audio | Sermon Holy Week 2020 10th April 2020: Good Friday Leaflet | Audio 9th April 2020: Maundy Thursday Leaflet | Audio | Readings & Prayers 5th April 2020: Palm Sunday Leaflet | Audio Lent 2020 29th March: Passion Sunday (Lent 5) Leaflet | Audio | Readings & Prayers | Sermon 22nd March: Mothering Sunday (Lent 4) Leaflet | Readings & Prayers | Sermon |
Sunday 10.00 Sung Eucharist Monday 19.30 Eucharist Thursday 19.30 Eucharist |
Content and images © 2020 Holy Innocents Church and Jamie Neville